I see your true colors shining through
Full depth Vaginoplasty
Dr. McClung performs the most common type of vaginoplasty in the world, penile inversion vaginoplasty. Using your existing genital tissue, the vulva (external genitals), vaginal canal, clitoris, and labia are created. The urethra is shortened and positioned lower, below the clitoris. Prior to a vaginoplasty, permanent hair removal is required.
Zero Depth Vaginoplasty
During a zero depth vaginoplasty, the vulva (external genitals) is made, but there is no canal. This means that no penetrative intercourse is possible. Vulvaplasty is lower risk and offers a faster recovery process than other vaginoplasties. No hair removal is required for this procedure.
Simple Release MetoidioPlasty
A simple release metoidioplasty is just one part of a meta surgery, which involves the release of a hormonally enlarged clitoris. During a simple release metoidioplasty, the vaginal canal is left intact, and a scrotum is not made.
Meta Surgery
During a meta surgery, a hormonally enlarged clitoris is released to make a small penis. The average length of a penis created during a metoidioplasty varies between 4-6 cm. Meta surgeries also include the removal of the vagina (vaginectomy), urethral lengthening, and creation of a scrotum (scrotoplasty).
Meta with single stage scrotoplasty
Meta two stage scrotoplasty
Stage 1
After Recovery
Stage 2 Glansplasty Immediately after surgery
Gender nullification
During a gender nullification surgery, natal external genitals are removed to create a smooth transition between the lower abdomen and the area between the leg. Thisgender-affirming surgery renders the patient free of external genitals. This often includes the modification of the urethra to maintain a smooth appearance. If desired, a gender nullification can be done in a way to create a hidden focus for orgasmic function.
Our work speaks for itself. Contact us today to set up a consult to discusss your gender-affirming surgery. We look forward to helping you continue on your journey to align your body with your authentic identity.